Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said “justice would finally be served” with FBI deciding to reopen its probe into the use of personal e-mail hosted on a private server by former US Secretary of State and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

“As you might have heard earlier today, the FBI after discovering new e-mails is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton,” Trump told his supporters yesterday in the Lisbon city of Maine State in North East of the US.

“I have great respect for the FBI for righting this wrong,” said Trump, who had been very critical of the agency’s decision three months ago to close the investigation against Clinton and recommending to the Department of Justice to not file a case against the former Secretary of State.

“The American people fully understand her corruption and we hope all, all justice will finally be served,” Trump said amidst a big applause from the audience.

“This is the biggest political scandal since Watergate and I’m sure that it will be properly handled from this point forward,” he said.

The news that the FBI has re-opened its case broke when Trump was on his plane to Manchester in New Hampshire.

Immediately after landing and taking the podium he described this as a “big day” and “big news” for his campaign.

“So that is a big announcement that I heard 10 minutes ago and I guess obviously most of you folks have heard about, and in all fairness for all of the people that have suffered for doing so much less, including just recently four-star General James Cartwright, General Petraeus and many others. Perhaps finally justice will be done,” Trump said.

Referring to the FBI’s decision, he said the system might be as rigged as he had been alleging for the past several months.

“What I’ve just announced previously it might not be as rigged as I thought. Right? Right?” he asked his cheering audience. “The FBI, I think they’re going to right the ship. I think they’re going to right the ship. And they’re going to save their reputation by doing so,” said the Republican White House candidate.

Trump alleged that Clinton’s corruption is on a scale that has never been seen before. “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office. I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the Department of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made,” he said in Manchester.

“This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood. And it is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected,” he said.