Gaffe-prone Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made another slip, asking his supporters in Florida to go out and vote on November 28 — 20 days after the actual election date.

At a rally in Panama City, Florida, Trump urged his supporters to make sure they are registered to vote by the state’s registration deadline and told them to go out and vote on November 28.

“There’s never been anything like this, so go and register, make sure you get out and vote November 28,” the Republican nominee was quoted as saying by media reports.

Trump’s misstatement came just after he was telling the crowd that the voter registration deadline in Florida was extended due to Hurricane Matthew.

While voters in Florida were allowed more time to make sure they would be able to vote in the general election, the deadline to cast their actual ballots is pretty strict —— November 8.

The gaffe comes amid a furore over the surfacing of a 2005 tape in which Trump is seen making lewd and derogatory comments about women.

Twitterati were quick to mock Trump over the gaffe.

“When Trump voters go to the polls on November 28 and there’s no way to vote, you know what that means: RIGGED!” a netizen said.

“So here’s the thing — if Trump never admits to making mistakes, will he now stick to the November 28 election day the rest of the way?” another tweeted.

Trump has made a number of gaffes during his election campaign.

In April, while campaigning, Trump, who has made his advocacy for New York City after the 9/11 terror attacks central to his run for the White House, accidentally referred to it as 7/Eleven —— a popular chain of convenience stores.

In January, an election advertisement of Trump used a wrong footage to back his strong views on illegal immigration.

The ad showed people rushing towards a border fence as the narrator says he “will stop illegal immigration” from Mexico but the footage used was of a Spanish enclave in Morocco.