Twitter flags US politician’s tweet on Antifa for promoting violence

Updated - June 02, 2020 at 02:49 PM.

Twitter on Monday flagged a tweet related to Antifa from Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, a close political ally of the United States (US) President.

The social media platform added a warning label to the tweet limiting the content since it seems to violate the platform’s policy and promotes violence.

The tweet in question read, “Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”

Twitter has hidden the tweet adding a warning label that reads, “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.’

Gaetz in response had tweeted that the platform was trying to silence free speech and it was a “badge of honour” to have his tweet flagged.

“Their warning is my badge of honor. Antifa is a terrorist organisation, encouraging riots that hurt Americans. Our government should hunt them down. Twitter should stop enabling them. I’ll keep saying it,” he had tweeted.

Twitter last Friday had added a similar label to a tweet by Trump on the protests in Minnesota.

Twitter has hidden a tweet by the US President that referred to these protests on account that it violates the platform’s rules and “glorifies violence.”

The microblogging platform hid Trump’s tweet on protestors setting fires in St Paul and Minneapolis.

The tweet read: “These THUGS are dishonouring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”

The platform later explained their reason for blocking the tweet in a detailed Twitter thread.

“We have placed a public interest notice on this Tweet from @realdonaldtrump,” Twitter explained.

“This Tweet violates our policies regarding the glorification of violence based on the historical context of the last line, its connection to violence, and the risk it could inspire similar actions today,” it had said.

“We've taken action in the interest of preventing others from being inspired to commit violent acts, but have kept the Tweet on Twitter because it is important that the public still be able to see the Tweet given its relevance to ongoing matters of public importance,” it had added.

Published on June 2, 2020 09:19