Approximately 130 accounts were targeted by attackers in a massive cyberattack on Twitter, the company said on Friday.

The social media platform is currently in the middle of investigating a massive cyberattack which was allegedly a part of a cryptocurrency scam.

Earlier on Thursday, hackers had gained access to multiple high-profile accounts, including that of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Uber and Apple.

Hackers had posted tweets from these accounts that were aimed at scamming people for bitcoins and had amassed cryptocurrency worth over $1 lakh as per reports.

“Based on what we know right now, we believe approximately 130 accounts were targeted by the attackers in some way as part of the incident. For a small subset of these accounts, the attackers were able to gain control of the accounts and then send tweets from those accounts,” Twitter said.

Previously, it had said that this was a “social engineering attack” where hackers were able to successfully target employees who had access to its internal tools and systems. This had helped them gain access to these tools and hack these accounts.

“We’re working with impacted account owners and will continue to do so over the next several days. We are continuing to assess whether non-public data related to these accounts was compromised, and will provide updates if we determine that occurred,” Twitter said.

The micro-blogging platform has disabled downloads of ‘Your Twitter Data’ for all accounts. It has also locked accounts that had attempted to change the account’s password during the past 30 days out of an “abundance of caution.”

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched a probe into the cyberattack, the Wall Street Journal reported.