Typhoon Trami, the 12th typhoon hitting China this year, has affected 3.61 lakh people in central Hunan Province, officials said.

The typhoon brought rainstorms mainly to the southeastern and eastern parts of Hunan, with a township in the city of Zixing receiving the largest rainfall of 281.6 mm, the provincial meteorological centre said in a statement.

The rains wreaked havoc in 14 counties, cities and districts, affecting 3.61 lakh local residents and forcing 30,900 of them to evacuate, local government said.

Meanwhile, 13,350 hectares of crops were damaged and 150 houses were damaged.

The heavy rains also pushed water in several local rivers above the warning levels and forced some to discharge flood waters into large reservoirs, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Rainstorms brought by Typhoon Trami have also swept the southeastern coastal provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian, affecting 1.4 million people and forcing the relocation of 351,000, the Ministry of Civil Affairs had said yesterday.

Trami made landfall in Fuqing City, Fujian Province early Thursday morning and weakened to a tropical depression in neighbouring Jiangxi Province.