Britain, Germany and the Netherlands have urged their citizens to immediately leave the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi in response to what was described as an imminent threat against Westerners.

The warnings come a day after US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton testified to Congress about the deadly September attack on the US consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including the ambassador to Libya.

They also come as French troops battle al-Qaeda linked militants in Mali, and follow the deaths of dozens of foreigners at the hands of Islamist extremists in Algeria — though it remained unclear if those two events were linked to the European nations’ concerns about Libya.

The foreign ministries of the three countries issued statements variously describing the threat as specific and imminent but none gave details as to its exact nature.

Germany and Britain urged their nationals still in Benghazi to leave “immediately” while Dutch Foreign Ministry spokesman Thijs van Son said that “staying in this area is not to be advised”.

It was not immediately clear how many people could be affected; Britain’s Foreign Office said likely “dozens” of its citizens were in the city, while Dutch Foreign Ministry spokesman Thijs van Son said there are four Dutch citizens registered as being in Benghazi and possibly two more.

Several countries have for months advised against all travel to the city, especially after the US consulate was attacked, and local residents said that many foreigners had already left in recent weeks.

Benghazi, a city of 1 million people, is a business hub where many major firms employ Westerners. It was also where the Libyan uprising against long-time dictator Muammar Gaddafi began in 2011.

Gaddafi was eventually toppled and killed after NATO backed the rebel movement, and the Arab country has since struggled with security. Al-Qaeda-linked militants operate in the country alongside other Islamist groups.

Adel Mansouri, principal of the International School of Benghazi, said British and foreign nationals were warned two days ago about a possible threat to Westerners.

He said the school’s teachers were given the option of leaving but decided to stay. The school has some 540 students.

Most are Libyan with some 40 per cent who hold dual nationality. Less than 5 per cent are British while 10 to 15 students have US-Libyan nationality, Mansouri said. Classes were not due to resume until Sunday because of a holiday on Thursday.