The United States and Europe’s unified response to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine will be the dominant theme when German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama meet in Washington next week.

“They will continue their close coordination on sanctions that impose costs on Russia for its ongoing violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as for its failure to follow through on commitments made in Geneva on April 17,” a White House spokeswoman said.

Obama and European leaders discussed tougher sanctions against Russia in a conference call on Friday, and reports quoting a US official said the US will issue new sanctions targeting entities and individuals in Russia on Monday.

Additional sanctions against Moscow

Merkel said EU foreign ministers would meet soon to consider additional sanctions against Moscow.

Merkel’s visit to the White House on May 2 will include talks on ways to support Ukraine as it works to stabilise its economy and prepare for presidential elections on May 25, the spokeswoman said.

Among other top-tier topics are the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, cooperating within NATO, supporting democracy in Europe’s east and meeting shared security and economic challenges around the globe, according to the spokeswoman.

Trade proposal

The trade proposal aims to boost economic growth in the US and Europe and add to the more than 13 million American and European jobs already supported by transatlantic trade and investment.

Merkel and Obama will also review the importance of focusing US economic policies on jobs amid a weak global recovery, and reaffirm their G-20 commitment to policies that promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth.

They will also discuss global challenges including climate change, the humanitarian crisis in Syria, and P5+1 negotiations with Iran.