Ukraine PM says Russia airspace violation ‘provocation to war’

PTI Updated - November 24, 2017 at 02:33 PM.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk today said that Russian military aircraft had crossed the country’s airspace seven times “to provoke Ukraine to start a war.”

“Russian military aircraft today overnight crossed and violated Ukrainian airspace seven times. The only reason is to provoke Ukraine to start a war,” he told journalists at a briefing in Rome, following a meeting with Pope Francis and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

He said the seizure of 13 international OSCE observers by pro-Kremlin rebels who accuse them of being “NATO spies” was “another proof and evidence that these so-called peaceful protesters with Russian ideas are terrorists.”

Russia pledged today to help free the observers, who were sent to Ukraine to monitor an April 17 accord signed in Geneva between Russia, Ukraine, the United States and the European Union that was meant to de-escalate the dangerous crisis in the ex-Soviet republic.

The Ukrainian premier —— who is cutting short his trip will miss the canonisation of John Paul II and John XXIII because of rising tensions in the eastern part of the ex-Soviet country —— said “Russian aggression aims to undermine global stability.”

“We urge Russia to pull back its security forces. We urge Russia to leave us alone,” he said, amid fears that Russia could be about to invade.

Yatsenyuk met Pope Francis for a private audience today, and said he had “asked his Holiness to pray for my country and peace in Europe.”

At an exchange of gifts, Yatsenyuk presented Francis with a photograph of Maidan square in Kiev on New Year’s night.

“This is where Ukrainians fought for their freedom and rights. Millions of people,” he said.

The Pope in return gave the Ukraine leader a pen, saying “I hope this pen will sign the peace”, to which Yatsenyuk replied “I hope so.”

Published on April 26, 2014 17:22