US has provided more than $3.3 billion in civilian assistance to Pakistan since 2009 along with helping it in adding 1,000 megawatt capacity to its power grid, enough to supply electricity to nearly 16 million people, an official report said today.

“Since 2009, the United States has provided more than $3.3 billion in civilian assistance to Pakistan, including about $1 billion in humanitarian response to conflict and floods,” said the USAID report on Pakistan.

“The infusion of new resources for Pakistan was made possible by the historic ‘Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009’, which launched a new era of development cooperation between both the countries,” USAID said.

The report titled, “USAID in Pakistan: Strengthening Our Partnership, Continuing our Progress,” details on spending and accomplishments in five key sectors: energy, economic growth, stabilisation, health, and education.

It said US has provided over 12,000 scholarships to Pakistani university-bound students along with construction of over 600 kilometres of roads.

More than 6,500 lives have been saved through US maternal and child health programs in Pakistan, report said.

“By applying the principles of local ownership, sustainability and mutual accountability, we are ensuring that our assistance achieves lasting and sustainable results,” it said.

“In Pakistan, more than half of USAID-funded programs are implemented directly by Pakistani government institutions or private sector organisations – more than any other USAID mission in the world,” it said.