Condemning the recent spate of violence in cities across Egypt, the US has asked the Cairo Government to ensure safeguarding of its citizens’ rights in order to find a lasting solution to the problems.

“We strongly condemn the recent violence that has taken place in various Egyptian cities. We look to all Egyptians to express themselves peacefully and for all Egyptian leaders to make clear that violence is not acceptable,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.

He also condoled the death of a large number of people in the violence.

National dialogue

The US, he said, welcomes serious calls for national dialogue to avoid further violence and to find peaceful means to move forward with the political process and build national unity.

“Egyptians participated in their revolution to bring about democracy and freedom, not to pursue their goals through violence. We urge all Egyptians to peacefully utilise the democratic process as they continue to engage with their government,” Carney said.

He said Washington will continue to work with Cairo for a “greater democracy” and “rule of law” in Egypt.

State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said the US looks to the Egyptian Government to bring to justice those who are responsible for the deaths and injuries, be it the police or the protesters.

“We obviously look to see this done in line with due process. We are watching how the emergency law put in place will be applied given the very sensitive history of this in Egypt. What’s most important is that the Egyptian government respect the rights of all Egyptians to due process going forward,” she said.

Nuland also appreciated President Muhammad Mursi’s efforts to initiate the process of dialogue for finding a peaceful solution to the problems.

“We call on all political forces in Egypt to avail themselves of this opportunity to work together through dialogue to deal with the underlying issues. That’s obviously something that would have been unheard of in times past in Egypt,” Nuland said.

Requesting the Mursi regime to respect the rights of its citizens, Nuland said the US will be keeping a close watch on the developments in Egypt.