US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF), a not for profit institution, on Sunday said that it was working on several fronts to assist citizens of India during the current Covid crisis.

Detailing the measures that are on the anvil, USISPF said in a statement that India will soon receive at least a dozen ISO containers that will help transport oxygen within the country. These containers are being shipped or airlifted from different parts of Asia. Another dozen containers have already been identified for shipment to India and efforts are on to triple this number.

Members are working on airlifting oxygen cylinders into Delhi and a few other states that face shortage of oxygen supply. Through generous donations of its member companies, USISPF has placed orders to source one lakh portable oxygen concentrators for use at home and hospitals to be shipped to India immediately. USISPF is already in touch with manufacturers in the US, Mexico, Malaysia and China. Sourcing of these concentrators is an enormous task due to supply-side constraints, USISPF said.

India will soon also receive a significant shipment of vaccine directly from pharmaceutical companies.

USISPF has also approached companies in the US to supply and/or donate ICU beds, Covid test kits, N95 masks and other medical equipments. The shipment is expected to begin as early as Tuesday/Wednesday of the coming week.

On the ground, USISPF is working with member companies and NGO partners to set up vaccination and medical centres on corporate campuses.

“Fighting the pandemic effectively will require concerted action on all fronts. At this time the need is enormous, and all resources have to be pooled”, said USISPF President and CEO Mukesh Aghi. “We are working closely with the government of India to ensure seamless movement of critical equipment and supplies. USISPF will be soon setting up a dedicated web portal to centralise the efforts of individuals and other companies “

USISPF also said that it was looking forward to announcements from the US government to support India’s efforts to fill needs like oxygen, medicines, medical supplies and vaccines. This should include a waiver of current restrictions on the export of vaccine Raw material so as to ensure that production of vaccines in India can continue uninterrupted.

USISPF and its members stand ready to support assistance efforts of the US government at this critical time, it added.


UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday tweeted that vital medical equipment is on its way from the UK to India to help stop the tragic loss of life from the virus. He said that UK will continue to work closely with the Indian government during this difficult time.

“We stand side-by-side with India in the shared fight against COVID-19. Vital medical equipment is on its way from the UK to India to help stop the tragic loss of life from the virus and we will continue to work closely with the Indian government during this difficult time “, Boris Johnson tweeted.