US Secretary of State John Kerry is looking forward to his visit to India and Pakistan, his spokesperson has said without giving any time schedule of his maiden trip to the region as a top American diplomat.

“The Secretary is looking forward to visiting Pakistan and India at the appropriate time, though I have nothing to announce today,” State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters yesterday.

Not going further into the details of Kerry’s trip to the region, Psaki said the US has a strong, ongoing dialogue with Pakistan regarding all aspects of its bilateral relationship and shared interests, including security and counter-terrorism cooperation.

“We will work together to address any of these concerns,” she said.

Psaki also confirmed that four officials from the US Embassy in Islamabad were not allowed to go to the consulate in Karachi.

“Four US embassy officials flew from Islamabad to Karachi yesterday, I believe it was, to meet with US Consulate General Karachi officials at the consulate.

When they arrived at the Karachi International Airport, they were detained by airport officials and have since returned to Islamabad. In terms of the reasoning, we’re still gathering information on what happened here,” she said.