US Vice President Joe Biden was in Singapore Friday for talks expected to focus on trade ties with Asia and regional maritime disputes.

Biden was due to meet President Tony Tan Keng Yam, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his father, influential former leader Lee Kuan Yew.

He is also scheduled to meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is visiting the city-state on a trip to South-East Asia.

On Saturday, Biden is to visit the USS Freedom, which is currently docked at the Changi Naval Base. The US Navy ship arrived in Singapore in April for a 10-month deployment in South-East Asia, as part of Washington’s plans to increase its military presence in the region.

Singapore and the United States are already close partners in trade and security but could increase their cooperation further as part of the US ‘pivot’ towards Asia, Biden told The Straits Times.

“We see a huge opportunity to strengthen our relationships in Singapore... as part of our rebalancing strategy,” he said.

The White House said Biden “will emphasize the centrality of South-East Asia in our regional strategy.” The talks are also expected to focus on efforts to manage maritime disputes in the South China Sea. China claims ownership of most of the sea — including potentially resource-rich areas — although Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also claim territory.

Biden arrived in Singapore late on Thursday, following a visit to India. He will leave for Hawaii on Saturday.