The United States has welcomed the announcement for the much-awaited Constituent Assembly elections in Nepal on November 19, saying that it will support the country’s preparations for the same.

“We welcome the announcement by the Interim Election Council of Ministers in Nepal that Constituent Assembly elections will take place on November 19,” State Department spokespersonJen Psaki told reporters at her daily news conference yesterday.

“Since the dissolution of the previous Constituent Assembly more than a year ago, we have encouraged the Government of Nepal to take this important step. We congratulate the people of Nepal as they prepare for free, fair, and inclusive elections, which are the hallmark of every democracy,” she said.

“The United States remains committed to supporting Nepal’s election preparations, including through voter registration and education and the organisation of observer missions,” Psaki said.

Nepal had plunged into a political and constitutional crisis after the Constituent Assembly was dissolved without promulgating the Constitution last year and fresh elections to be held in November 2012, did not take place, pushing the country into a political deadlock.

With the formation of the election government led by Regmi in March, the political parties had earlier tentatively agreed to conduct the elections in June or by December this year.