The White House has ruled out sending Ahmed Abu Khatallah, a key suspect in the attacks at the US Consulate in Benghazi in September 2012, to the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention centre and asserted that he would be tried through the federal court system.

Khatallah, who was arrested by the US Special Forces in a secret operation in Libya on June 15, is currently in US custody in a secure location outside the US and en route to the country to face the charges against him.

“Some have suggested that he (Khatallah) should go to GTMO (Guantanamo). Let me rule that out from the start,” said Caitlin Hayden, spokesperson of the National Security Council, the White House.

“The administration’s policy is clear on this issue: we have not added a single person to the GTMO population since President Obama took office, and we have had substantial success delivering swift justice to terrorists through our federal court system,” Hayden said, as several lawmakers urged the Obama Administration that he be tried at the high profile terrorist detention centre in Guantanamo.

“Indeed, since 9/11, we have used the federal court system to convict and incarcerate hundreds of terrorists,” she said.

And there has been several examples in this regard, she pointed out.

Responding to questions on the operation, State Department Spokesperson, Jen Psaki said: “This was a unilateral US operation. It was run and done under the operations of the US.”

Earlier in the day, lawmakers appeared to be divided on where the Libyan terrorist be treated.

“I fully support the administration’s efforts to gather intelligence from Abu Khatallah and prosecute him in federal court,” said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein.

Whereas top Republican Senator, Marco Rubio demanded that the Obama administration should immediately transfer him to the military detention centre at Guantanamo Bay for detention and interrogation.

“In order to locate all individuals associated with the attacks that led to the deaths of four Americans, we need intelligence. That intelligence is often obtained through an interrogation process,” he asserted.

The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Patrick Leahy, argued against Khattalah being sent to Guantanamo.

“I look forward to his prosecution in the US court system...We will try Khattalah just as we have successfully tried more than 500 terrorism suspects since 9/11,” he said.