The World Health Organization’s (WHO) top emergency expert Mike Ryan maintained that declaring indefinite lockdown won’t help countries to contain the coronavirus from further spreading. He said that public health measures are needed to prevent the resurgence of the deadly virus, Reuters reported.

Ryan said in an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: “What we really need to focus on is finding those who are sick, those who have the virus, and isolate them, find their contacts and isolate them.”

According to Ryan, the coronavirus will further revive after the lockdown and restrictions will be lifted adding that the danger is “the disease will jump back up.”

Coronavirus has spread across continents excluding Antarctica, with major companies, restaurants, bars, pubs, and schools staring at shutdowns for an indefinite period.

WHO has suggested Europe, now the epicenter of the disease surpassing China, to test every possible suspect just the way China, Singapore, and South Korea did.

Ryan added: “Once we’ve suppressed the transmission, we have to go after the virus. We have to take the fight to the virus.”

Ryan mentioned that the United States was working to come up with an antidote to the virus, but had only begun the trials. He said that people need to be realistic and not ignore the fact that it would talk at least a year for these vaccines to be made available in Europe.

Europe has seen an unprecedented rise in the number of cases, with Italy being the worst-hit nation in the world. The country has witnessed a relentless rise in the death toll due to the coronavirus that now stands at 5476 after it recorded 651 deaths on Sunday. It was an increase of 13.5 per cent but down from Saturday's figure when 793 people died, Aljazeera reported.
