World leaders led by US President Barack Obama today expressed shock and outrage over a wave of bombings and shootings in Paris that left over 120 people dead and pledged solidarity with France.

Obama called the attacks an “outrageous attempt to terrorise innocent civilians” and vowed to do whatever it takes to help bring the perpetrators to justice.

He called the attacks a “heartbreaking situation” and an “attack on all of humanity’’.

He also telephoned his French counterpart Francois Hollande and offered support in probing the attacks.

US Secretary of State John Kerry described the attacks in Paris as “heinous, evil” and “vile”, calling them “an assault on our common humanity’’.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council condemned the “despicable” terrorist attacks.

Ban said he “trusts that the French authorities will do all in their power to bring the perpetrators to justice quickly’’.

Extending his deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wishing a speedy recovery to those injured, Ban said that he stands with the Government and people of France.

In a separate statement, the Council also strongly condemned what the 15-member body referred to as “barbaric and cowardly” terrorist attacks.

The Council underlined the need to bring the perpetrators of these terrorist acts to justice.

The members of the Council also expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims, as well as to the Government of France, the statement said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was “deeply shaken by the news and pictures that are reaching us from Paris’’.

The German leader said her thoughts were with the victims “of the apparent terrorist attack’’.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was “shocked” by the Paris attacks and violence.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help,” Cameron said on Twitter.

China strongly condemned the attacks, saying it is “greatly shocked by the terrorist attacks that has caused massive casualties’’.

“China expresses deep condolences to the victims and extends sincere sympathies to the families of the dead and injured,” foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.

Describing terrorism as a common challenge facing mankind,Hong said China firmly supports France to maintain national security and stability and combat terrorism.

Russian President Vladimir Putin offered condolences and support to his counterpart Hollande and the French people.