“Dress to please others”

Updated - December 04, 2013 at 08:59 PM.

Ashok Soundarajan

Are jeans the all-purpose wear or will you shed them for formal wear? This is what students of IFIM Business School, Bangalore, had to say on this:

Dress code is something very personal to every individual. I feel it is not something that can be forced on anyone. Jeans may be very comfortable to wear, but it is not for all purposes. I believe that for every occasion there is a certain way you need to present yourself. It’s not that you will be judged entirely by your dress, but it is important that you dress for the occasion. For example, you surely wouldn’t go in a suit to the beach. Similarly, you can’t wear jeans to every event. When a formal setting requires you to dress in a certain way you should maintain the decorum and dress accordingly.

Ashok Soundarajan

Dressing for the occasion is what I believe in. Expectations in colleges have changed over the years. People get around with jeans even if rules suggest them to be ‘formal’. It’s an easy wear and I am comfortable wearing it in informal events. Once someone suggested, ‘people will not take you seriously in those blue jeans’, so I do avoid them for meetings and places where I have to dress to impress. As once said by Benjamin Franklin, “Eat to please oneself. Dress to please others.”

Nikhil Ramachandran

Well, jeans is considered one of the most comfortable outfits. But it certainly depends on what kind of outfit it is – skirt, shorts or pants. I will not give up on formal wear because there should be some variety in life. Sometimes your clothes reflect your attitude. How you combine jeans with formal clothes also matter.

Shikha Katare

Published on December 4, 2013 15:19