Exam weight-gain? Not me!

Bharat Savur Updated - March 16, 2014 at 09:03 PM.

Is there such a thing as ‘good food while studying’ that is tasty and satisfying? I don’t want to put on weight pre-exams.-Krupa

Wise girl, Krupa! Then you already know that pizzas, pastries, burgers, biscuits, wafers are out, yes? They make you heavy where you’d rather snooze than study. There are tasty and satisfying foods to study with. Dried fruits, for example, are super foods and don’t mess your table. Try these: *Seedless dates with almonds/walnuts combo. *Low-fat milk laced with saffron and honey. Any fruity milkshake. *A hard-boiled egg sprinkled with salt, pepper, mustard. *Soy chunks soaked in water and squeezed, then re-soaked in low-fat curd with jeera powder, salt, sweet date chutney – a healthy dahiwada , if you will.*Low-fat bhel – roasted kurmura with onions, tomatoes, mixed with chutneys.

Whenever I eat at my best friend’s place, they serve salad. At mine, there is never any salad. Are raw vegetables really good for health?

Some vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, cucumber, capsicum make for good healthy eating, Shibani. They keep the system youthful by cleaning it out, are low-calorie so ensure you don’t gain weight and have their nutrients intact because they’ve not been ‘cooked’ out. It’s wise to include a salad with each meal.

How fast should I walk? And how do I measure the distance?-Rish

For optimal cardiovascular benefits, you need to cover 4.8 km in 42 minutes, Rish. I suggest a brisk pace as if you’re late for class or a movie show. Get yourself a pedometer. Or mark 4.8 km by driving your car that distance on a particular route and then foot it daily.

Published on March 16, 2014 15:33