Anything 'first ' has a huge impact in our lives and one such milestone moment is your first day at work. First days are tough, your friends are not around, the company culture is new and most importantly, you have a boss. Being your best on day one at work will put you in good stead always.

So, take ample rest before D-day to rejuvenate yourself and look forward to it as an exciting, positive time. All you need is to display the qualities of dependability, preparedness, politeness and proper grooming.

The first day is critical for making the right impression. How to create a great first impression? How do I make friends at the workplace? Will my boss like me? – the questions are many.

Here is a quick checklist that will help you to create a great impression on your first day at work or at the start of your internship.

1. Plan ahead and check with the Human Resource manager and get a list of documents that you need to carry. Try to understand the company culture, dress code, induction schedule or anything else that you need to go prepared in office. This will help you to be on top of things.

2. Reach early. I am sure none of us would want to turn up late on our first day. Be confident, dress your best and wear a smile.

3. Be a constant and quick learner. Reading about your company before your joining date helps a lot.

4. Use the induction programme to ask questions as they are the initial ice-breaking sessions.

5. Your manager is likely to introduce you around the workplace. Try to know your colleagues beyond their name and designation.

6. Be a good listener. After all, you would never want to say or do anything that may upset your colleagues. Take notes, you will thank yourself later. Note down discussion points, names of colleagues and every other interesting information that you come across.

7. Know your space and keep it organised and clean. It is important to set your own workspace on the first day itself. This means setting up your computer, folders or personal articles. This reflects your work ethic too.

8. Avoid non-work related internet browsing and try not to visit social media sites and entertainment portals. Also, be aware of confidential and restricted zones to avoid embarrassing yourself.

9. If you are not sure, ask, do not assume things. Do not hesitate to ask basic questions like the extension number of the important people whom you need to interact with or directions to the printer room.

10. Stay away from office gossip and do not take anyone's side. This will help you go a long way in your professional life. Subtly change the subject if you feel that gossip is brewing.

Enjoy yourself! Your first day should be enjoyable. Try to understand what the next couple of months or years of your tenure may have in store for you.

Do not push yourself too hard. You just have to learn the art of being a perfect professional yet fun loving person, enjoy this phase of life so that you could cherish it in the future days. All the best!

(The author is CEO and MD of Randstad India, a leading HR services company.)