It’s ingenious, this Charlie Francis invention. Charlie from Bristol coaxes some aces in China to duplicate in their laboratory, a synthetic version of a natural protein which causes jellyfish to beam like sea-lanterns. Then he injects this protein into ice cream. When you spoon it onto your tongue, the protein warms up and...voila! the ice cream glows like a jellyfish in your mouth!

I advise C for caution, at least, until we know that it’s safe. So, let’s wait and watch. Meanwhile, if we must have our local ice cream, let’s maximise the experience by loading a mini scoop of it with heaps of fresh, juicy fruits. You get the taste, and it doesn’t go to your waist. Try the Big Bowl practice:

1.Get yourself a big bowl. 2.Think of the ice cream flavour you favour. Tune in to your inner cue — a crucial process. You might realize that you don’t want ice cream after all. Or if you still do, ‘hunt’ down the options and settle on the flavour(s). 3.Choose your fruits — strawberries, papaya, pineapple, mango, orange, sweet lime, peach, grapes, plums. Chop enough to fill the bowl. 4.Add one or two tablespoons of ice cream to the fruit. Do not mix. 5.Eat it mindfully, slowly. Chew each fruit-cube thoughtfully, with respect. Once you feel a sense of satisfaction, stop.

Internal cues please!

This is an elegant and refined way to eat something of your choosing. There’s deep delight and a balanced sense of fulfilment. It’s a scientific fact, that when you use this approach, you lose weight. Research shows that excess weight piles on when you follow external cues: “It’s lunch time!” and eat, mindless of your internal cues which may be crying, “This isn’t what I need!”

And, yes, if you’re lactose-intolerant, you can eat dairy-free desserts made from soya, almond or coconut-milk at places that boast of vegan foods.

Gyaan: Remember, these milks are heavy to digest. So, small scoop, BIG fruits is still the best way to go...rather, glow.

(The writer is author of the book ‘Fitness for Life’ and teacher of the Fitness for Life programme.)