I love brewing tea with mint leaves. In fact, tea without mint tastes blech! Is having mint daily good or bad for health?


Mint is good, Sudha. It minimizes side-effects from tannin and caffeine. Mint is also a great digestive, eases stomach aches, restricts bad bacteria or fungus from growing in the body and reduces headaches. It’s rich in vitamins A, C, B2 and iron. Also, mint chutney makes a low-calorie, healthy bread-spread – better than butter. Go for it!

Try as I might, I can’t touch my toes. What does that make me?


It’s cool, sport, I can’t touch my toes either despite exercising regularly for so many years. I suggest: don’t dwell on what you can’t do, but on what you can and then do it well. Toe-touching from a standing position is done to strengthen leg muscles and make them flexible, but it can tear the muscles and ligaments supporting your back. Many exercise coaches certify it as an X-rated (a no-no) exercise.

The safer way to do it is while sitting down: Sit erect on the floor-mat with your legs spread apart in front of you. Smoothly, stretch both arms toward your left foot. Bend head toward left knee. Return to erect position.

Repeat toward the right foot and right knee. Do each side 5 times. Gyaan : If you can’t get your head right down to your knee, go only as far as you can without straining. Remember, the wise exerciser survives and thrives to exercise the next day.

I attend a football-training session every Sunday. Since it’s early in the morning, I don’t have breakfast and feel a little sick while playing. Should I have something?


Yes, Naren, eat a banana before the session. Eat it slowly. Have a cup of lukewarm milk with it. That will keep you going. During the training session, sip on water or coconut water to cool the stomach and hydrate muscles.

The writer is co-author of the book ‘Fitness for Life’ and teacher of the Fitness for Life programme.