IIM-A discusses the rural challenge at agribusiness summit

Our Bureau Updated - January 12, 2014 at 08:44 PM.

“The heterogeneous rural economy, which is growing faster than the urban economy, will be a challenge for marketers.”

Top Indian business school IIM – Ahmedabad hosted its annual agribusiness, food and rural management summit Amaethon on January 11 and 12. The purpose of the summit was to brainstorm on the dynamics of ‘emerging landscapes in food and agribusiness’. The event strives to bring together students, academia and professionals in the agriculture and food sectors on a common platform.

Over 250 students from various agriculture and agribusiness institutes across the country participated in the two-day event. The highlights of the summit were management workshops for students and young professionals, panel discussions, and business strategy competitions.

The summit’s first workshop was on Rural Marketing, with the theme ‘Opportunities beyond imagination’. The workshop was conducted by Pradeep Kashyap, CEO of MART, a rural marketing consultancy. Kashyap highlighted the dramatic transformation of the rural sector in the last decade by citing various examples and anecdotes. He emphasised that the rural economy is growing faster than the urban economy and is highly heterogeneous, which is a challenge for marketers. India can bank on its back-up markets – the small town and rural markets – to drive demand, a press release quoted Kashyap as saying. The main challenges in tapping the rural markets were reach, distribution channels and innovation. Co-creation and use of social infrastructure will go a long way in meeting the needs of the rural consumer, he observed.

The panel discussions on the first day centred on ‘Reinventing agribusiness - building competencies and delivering growth’ with experts from government and industry on the panel. The discussions on the second day were ‘Leveraging the transformation in food demand – unlocking the potential’ and ‘Rural development, empowerment and inclusive growth’.

Other workshops that IIM-A held on the second day included a Supply Chain and Logistics Workshop by IIM-A faculty in partnership with ScNext, and Food and Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Workshop by Ashutosh Kumar Sinha, Co-Founder and Director, Villgro Innovations Marketing.

Other major competitions held during Amaethon are the Venture Challenge – a business plan competition, and Rural Crusaders – a rural marketing competition.

IIM-A’s Post-Graduate Programme in Agri-Business Management (PGP-ABM) has been ranked number one globally in the Eduniversal Best Master’s Ranking in Agribusiness/Food Industry Management for three years in a row.

Published on January 12, 2014 15:12