Practically (not spiritually) speaking, what is the purpose behind our purpose in this world (yes, it’s practically useless to talk about it)?

Of course, all of us are involved in some role or the other – some by choice, some by cowardice and others by an unknown author’s advice – whether productive, unproductive, or destructive (such classification depends on one’s own world view). But in a broader sense, what is the world headed towards (apart from revolving around the sun)?

Why on earth (I don’t know about the existence of heaven and hell) do you need to do your “karma” in the first place and later bear the “phala” either in this birth or the next?

Why do living beings on the same earth and in concomitant births face different living conditions imposed by “fate”, the “creator’s” script for His creatures? On top of that some just exist, why?

How justified is it that one entity is given the liberty to dictate the lives of many who are kept in the dark about their “fortune” and the bases on which it’s written even if some of them have to make a living for themselves?

Does He benefit by making them do so? Can His decisions go wrong? What if such things happen? Will He get the “phala” of His “karma”? Who will keep a tab on Him?

(Rishav studies at the Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli.)