I love pizzas though I know they’re fattening. How do I stop getting tempted by my skinny friends who eat a pizza daily? – Levi

Follow my postpone-the-craving rule: When tempted by a take-away, I tell myself, “I’ll wait 3 days. If the craving persists, I’ll order it on the 4th day.” Guess what, Levi? It always works. Simultaneously, maintain a food diary.

Note down every morsel you chow down. It keeps you on your toes and off your tastebuds. It helps focus on the great healthy stuff that’s benefiting you, not what you’re forgoing.

Perhaps it’s better to be sugar-conscious than to be ritually, rigorously off sugar. What about sugar-free sweeteners recommended for diabetics? Can honey and jaggery be healthier substitutes for crystallised sugar? – Ankita

Well, Ankita, there are three states: the ideal, the normal and the making do. The ideal is to super-consciously not cultivate a ‘sweet tooth’ from a tender age. It’s not to avoid diabetes but to be free of an unhealthy habit.

The normal is the scenario on view – many people with diabetes, obesity, inflammations. It’s normal but not natural, yes? Making do is when you’re hopelessly addicted to sugar and can’t have your coffee without it. Enter: sugar-free pellets. It’s like falling ill and then having no option but to swallow medicine.

So, of the three states, wouldn’t it be ideal or super-cool to be able to shrug off sweets as no big deal? It’s not about being rigorous, but wisely not getting into it just like not getting into smoking.

And yes, jaggery is a healthier substitute but not if a person is already diabetic. Honey is dicey because, according to a recent survey, most honey is mixed with sugar.

I’m uncomfortable working out in an air-conditioned room. What should I do? – Rumi

I suggest: work out in a room with windows open for ventilation and the fan running. Gyaan: Don’t make the mistake of keeping the windows shut after switching off the air-conditioner. With no fresh oxygen flowing in, you could feel dizzy.

(The writer is co-author of the book ‘Fitness for Life’ and teacher of the Fitness for Life programme.)
