The Indian School of Business (ISB), with campuses at Mohali and Hyderabad, has received financial support of Rs 30 crore from Bajaj Auto to further enhance learning resources for its research and education activities. Bajaj Auto has also instituted three scholarships to support deserving students of ISB’s Post-Graduate Programme (PGP).

In recognition of this contribution, the B-School has named the library at its Hyderabad campus the Bajaj Auto Library. The library was inaugurated by Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi. ISB Chairman Adi Godrej and Rahul Bajaj, ISB Board Directors, were also present at the event.

“In the process of nation-building, leadership plays a very important role. ISB, which is considered a premier institute, builds strong leadership for business management and has been in the forefront of research in the field of management," said Rahul Bajaj, Chairman of Bajaj Auto in a press statement. "ISB has acquired an international reputation for its academic work in imparting post-graduate education. Bajaj Auto considers it its duty and responsibility to support such institutions. “

“This contribution will enable ISB to provide world-class learning resources to our students and faculty and also unlock resources that can further our mission of research and education," said Ajit Rangnekar, Dean of ISB, thanking the Bajaj Group. "It will also help ISB to attract deserving and meritorious students to pursue their studies.”

ISB has been founded with the philanthropic contributions of several corporations, individuals, and foundations. The school actively engages and seeks support from corporates and individuals to support its research agenda. In the last year, the Centre for Family Enterprise was set up at ISB with support from Thomas Schmidheiny of Spectrum Value Management, and the National Stock Exchange (ISB) helped the B-School to set up a real-time trading lab at the campus. The network of ISB alumni has started contributing to the school.