IIM Ahmedabad's Post Graduate Programme for Executives (PGPX) is all geared-up to kick-off its annual knowledge summit — ConneXions from November 6-8.

The platform aims to bring together industry and academia to debate the contemporary issues facing corporate leaders and public policy makers.

The theme of of the event this year is 'Resurgent India – Tapping Infinite Potential' under which the speakers will analyse ways for India and its corporate sector to get back on a higher growth trajectory.

A number of high-powered talks, and focused panel discussions are scheduled during the three-day event. These business heads and policymakers will also engage the students in events, including war games, white paper presentations, CEO dinner, and 5K/10K run for a cause.

Participants will also get to interact with entrepreneurs who have turned their ideas into success stories. These entrepreneurs will share their insights about their journey in building these successful businesses.

Some of the topics for panel discussion during the three-day-event include 'Finance - New Age Banking', 'Operations - Integrating India into Global Supply Chain', 'Retail - Brick & Mortar vs E-commerce', 'Energy - Energy Security for India', 'Defence - Building India's Indigenous Defence Prowess' and 'Technology - Blueprint for a Digital India'.