Thirty six per cent of the respondents (Twitter users) say they do not use the second largest social media Web site anymore. Should Twitter worry about the increasing non-users, as it heads towards the IPO?

Students of Gurgaon-based Management Development Institute on Twitter’s fluctuating user base:

Although retention of registered users on Twitter is lower compared to its rival social networking service Facebook, the engagement levels of Twitter users is much higher than Facebook users. People are known to check and send updates on Twitter much more frequently than on any other Web site.

While Facebook focuses on people connecting with people they already know, Twitter gives them a platform to network externally, beyond their immediate social circles, with people they share interests with. This is the reason an increasing number of celebrities, companies and even politicians are using Twitter to promote themselves, make conversations and engage with people. Moreover, with increasing penetration of smartphones and internet worldwide, and Twitter continuing to improve its user interface on the Web site and mobile apps, the future sure seems bright for this micro-blogging giant that has helped people in multiple ways – be it connecting with their favourite movie stars or bringing about a political revolution.

Rahul Kumar

Every social media platform has a different customer base and intent of usage. Where Pinterest proves to be the heaven for design portfolios, Facebook is the ideal social networking platform. Twitter on the other hand provides a great medium for knowledge gathering and sharing, especially convenient for MBA students. I feel twitter is not for everyone, and that is a driving factor for its loyal user base.

Active Tweeters are loyal to Twitter and they directly or indirectly impact the adoption rates among their social circles. According to Reuters, the percentage of inactive Tweeters or those who close their accounts is higher as compared to Facebook. But, I feel that it is better to have a smaller yet active and high contributing user community as compared to a large but inactive one.

Twitter has recently introduced new features which have enhanced the user experience to greater levels. If positioned correctly, then these account closures can help Twitter in becoming a niche and clean platform.

Shivang Gupta