If it were only in our country,

The lush green meadows or the sands sultry,

Yet being victims of exploitation every time,

Leave aside external wars, even internally, parties fighting for a dime...

With fights for want of a separate state,

Instead of love, people sharing hate,

With hopes in the economy of a higher growth rate,

But held back by obstacles of the growing corruption rate...

People suddenly, at once unite and raise their voice,

In issues, fighting for justice and to the govt. no choice,

But the spirits reach the peak and fade away,

Seems like the law of diminishing marginal utility paves way...

Like a pendulum, oscillating is the FDI,

If India gets a share or aims for the whole pie,

For the govt. takes ages to decide,

With way lot of scams under its sleeves, to hide...

With the economy transforming like loose sand,

That is fast slipping away from the ‘invisible hand’,

With the currency at its lows and the budget on its way,

With airlines in a mess and hope with a ray,

Finally, with a new economic thought,

The bureaucratic trap which has the economy caught,

There’s more to it than we see, a mirage, insignificant or mighty,

Because change is the only constant in reality...

(Saaksshi studies in Stella Maris College, Chennai.)