Social networking has taken over our lives and whether it is good or bad is a debatable topic. Commoners to high profile individuals to celebrities are part of this large online universe and the adoption rate of social media in India is meteoric. To put it in perspective, there are over 65 million Facebook users and India has become the second largest market after US for LinkedIn.

It is not only about Indians adopting this trend fast, but also about the amount of time they invest in it. With Indians, especially students, spending 1 in 4 online minutes on social networking sites, their professional and personal lives are converging.

Could this lead to trouble in starting your professional life? Is there a chance for you to lose a good job opportunity for being too ‘Social’?

I think these are important questions as day by day, companies are using social networking sites to identify and screen potential employees. As your social profile attracts attention from potential employers, it becomes important to manage it well. Here is how you can do that.

Maintain a good and complete profile. These days, HR professionals scan through LinkedIn profiles of candidates before an interview. So, the next time you update your profile, take some time to enhance it by stating your education, projects, papers published, campus associations and achievements clearly.

From casual to professional

I am sure most of you are having an exciting college life, which is everybody’s dream. In this phase, you will go to new places, participate in college culturals, and have fun. It is quite natural for you to be noticed as the most happening person in your group and fraternity. But be wise to post what can go public and what need not. When an employer looks through your online profile, there is nothing wrong if you come across as a fun-loving person but is also good to be at your professional best.

Display your personal interests

Social media is a great way to exhibit to potential employers what you are all about, outside of work. It shows your proactive and passionate side. So, if you are volunteering for a cause on weekends, do mention it in your social profile. And, some of you might be adept at penning your thoughts; so, without waiting for a publication to carry it, take it to the online space through your blogs. It can be a great way to reach your career goals.

Market yourself well

Posting your work samples and accomplishments on the social media platform is a great way to distinguish yourself and show what you can offer. While doing so, it is highly recommended to cite the necessary sources and names of collaborators. This way, you will come across as a credible person. Also, professional networking sites have relevant features that allow you to ask for recommendations from your colleagues or friends. Utilise this feature because recommendations are important. Join discussion forums which are of interest to you and actively contribute to them, and over a period of time, not only will your articulation improve but you could also be recognised as an expert in your field. Who knows, while you are a student, a few companies could utilise your services as a freelancer.

In the end, it is important to find the right balance between being completely personal and being only professional in social media. Social media is here to stay and we should learn how to use it well to our advantage in this competitive world.

(The author is the CEO and MD of Randstad India, a leading HR services company.)