Which is the one airline that really does not require foreign direct investment? The Maharaja of course. The joke doing the rounds is that it is only the Maharaja's ‘poor cousins' in the private sector that need the cash. Air India does not as the Government is now proposing to pump in equity worth Rs 23,000 crore over 10 years in the airline.

Costly walk

A morning walker, who plucked a neem twig from the tree in a park in Hyderabad got fined Rs 10,000 for ‘causing loss to the ecosystem'. There is enough knowledge about the wonders that neem can do from the teeth to insecticides . But the hard lesson? Going back to nature, be it organic, yoga, nature cure, et al , is expensive and time-consuming. And short-cuts can be taxing.

Blame game

Team Anna has learned a new tactic of politics. If you get mired in controversy, blame it on the media. It has started saying that the media will report anything as long as there is a piece of paper to support the story! Kiran Bedi's ‘Ticket Gate', fully documented, has clearly cut very close to the bone. Supporters are asking via social media, “Kejriwal has donated the Magsaysay award prize money of Rs 32 lakh, but the media never highlighted this, instead the I-T notice got the attention”

War over figures

It's been a different Diwali for the present and former finance ministers of Bengal. While the incumbent kept blaming his predecessor for the financial mess, the former countered the charges. As the war of figures continued, one of the gentlemen suggested the other call him up for help regarding the figures.


The age-old duo of Santa and Banta, are now passe . After the Rs 32 fiasco, they have been replaced by Monta and Mohna.