India’s driving couple of Saloo and Neena Choudhury, whose claim to have circumnavigated the globe in the shortest time has not been accepted by the Guinness Book of World Records , are to sue the publishers, Guinness Publishing Ltd, for a whopping Rs. 36 crores … The Choudhurys have already got a stay from the Calcutta High Court against the Guinness Book of World Records being printed, published, sold or distributed in India … till such time as the duos’ achievement of being the first and the fastest circumnavigator through six continents under the specific title, ‘Circumnavigation by car’, was not included.

China fears Taiwan’s economic clout

China’s anger at the visit by Taiwan’s president to three Southeast Asian countries reflects Beijing’s fears Taipei is using economic leverage it cannot match to win friends in the region. The People's Daily reported on its front page that the foreign ministry delivered protests to envoys from Indonesia and the Philippines about the visit by the Taiwanese President, Lee Teng-hui to the two countries, whose heads of state he met.

Cotton market volatile

A volatile cotton market continues to engage the attention of the textile trade, industry and government authorities. The February 8 action of the Centre suspending the export of two lakh bales of the contracted portion of cotton and threat of reintroduction of selective credit control to hold cotton stock appears to have proved a nonstarter. The strong governmental measures followed just only a week after the cotton market became strident with the raw cotton prices soaring up to a phenomenal high.