Few takers for cross currency

There are few takers from the corporates for the cross currency options introduced in the foreign exchange trading market in the country from January 3…(which) was seen as a major step towards a vibrant derivatives market. And it was hoped that corporates who needed foreign exchange cover would make a beeline for it in place of the forward cover which was the only hedging instrument available to them until then. Foreign exchange dealers have been finding it tough convincing the corporates to buy options…

New sparkle to diamond industry

Ever since the Red Ruby…was introduced in Tiruchirapalli, the gem cutting industry had been flourishing in Tamil Nadu. But the industry has been languishing for the past 50-60 years, primarily because the artisans working with the traditional process were not able to earn more than Rs10 per day…The stones made from conventional machines were not of proper geometrical shape and size and, therefore, not exportable.

Apple launches digital camera for computers

Apple Computer Inc. said it was introducing the QuickTake 100, a digital colour camera that makes it easy for consumers to bring photographic images into their computer without film development or scanning. The portable device, which will weigh one pound with batteries installed, will be for use in mainstream business, education and design and will work with both desktop and portable models of Macintosh and Windows computers. Apple said the camera would be priced at $749.