Regulator’s free hit

Corporate and media circles were abuzz this past week with former SEBI Chief Ajay Tyagi’s recent jibe on the RBI. Tyagi took to ‘letters to the editor’ column in a leading national daily to convey how RBI withholding the report on its failure to meet inflation target as also the rationale behind fixing the target from public, was “puzzling”.

More so, Tyagi noted, that RBI liberally releases all kinds of information on the subject from time to time. This led an economy watcher to cheekily remark that Tyagi was only doing what he did during his tenure as the SEBI Chief — choosing to target the big shots, unprovoked though!

Charge-filled dance

No, this is not a joke. Energy generated through dance steps can charge an SUV. And this was demonstrated on December 23. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas organised a one-day event called ‘Dance to Decarbonise’, where renewable energy generated through dance was used to charge electric vehicles. As part of run up to the India Energy Week to be held in Bengaluru in February 2023, this was organised at National Stadium, New Delhi.

A state-of-the-art stage was set up, which harnessed renewable energy created by the dancers to charge an SUV and an e-auto rickshaw.

Watch pe charcha !

Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai’s expensive Rafale watch has created a controversy. DMK Minister V Senthil Balaji in a tweet questioned as to how Annamalai, who claims to own only four goats and two cows, can afford such an expansive watch. In response, Annamalai claimed that he chose the watch out of patriotism, and it was very special to him. “Since I can’t fly a Rafale jet, I’ll wear this watch until the day I die,” he said.

Annamalai had been taking up the issue of corruption against DMK leaders, and the other side is now retaliating, say observers.

Modi medical college

What’s in a name? A lot it seems. After renaming of the cricket stadium in Ahmedabad after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, one more public facility was named after him in Ahmedabad.

The Medical Assessment and Rating Board has recently approved a request of the Ahmedabad civic body’s medical college to change the name of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Medical Education Trust Medical College to Narendra Modi Medical College.

Interestingly, the medical college is in the Maninagar area, and which is part of Modi’s Assembly when he was Gujarat CM. Our Bureaus