Rahul Gandhi’s demand for a JPC probe into the June 4 stock market crash, has “fizzled” out amidst Dalal Street’s record-breaking highs.

As markets soar, one can’t help but chuckle at the timing of Gandhi’s demand. With Sensex and Nifty scaling new heights, investors might just prefer to enjoy the view rather than dwell on doomsday theories. Looks like Dalal Street’s drama isn’t confined to the trading floor!

Fact checking in overtime

It has apparently been a week of fighting “fake news” and calming nerves at government offices and Ministries.

First it was the Railways. A report said that booking ticket for others — using one’s own ID — could lead to jail. This rule didn’t apply to ticketing agents, it further said. After the brouhaha it was clarified that such was not the case.

The second instance again came when videos of passengers being harassed in the Doon Express — in Bihar — became viral. Some claimed the alleged perpetrators were trying to rob passengers while others said they were ticketless passengers fighting with those with valid tickets for space. And everyone sharing the video on social media tagging the Rail Minister and Bihar CM. The Railways has not clarified on the action taken though.

The third instance was that of a post on X claiming that the NTA — which is already in the eye of the storm for alleged paper leaks in case of competitive exams like NEET and so on — was registered under the Societies Act, a private body, and hence not under the purview of RTI. Late in the evening, the message was dismissed as “fake”.

And finally, it was yet again the, NTA which clarified that their website was not compromised. It even claimed that pictures of some boxes — which reportedly can contain answer/OMR sheets — flashed were empty ones and were “guarded by its security personnel”.

The camera finds them

Actor-turned MPs, Chirag Paswan and Kangana Ranaut seem to be the camera persons’ cynosure this season.

First the photos of their greeting each other after their election victory went viral, while earlier this week a video of the two arriving at Parliament, greeting each other and then sharing a light moment went viral. Paswan, head of the LJP (Ram Vilas) — a key NDA constituent, is an Union Minister and Ranaut a BJP MP. The two have shared screen space in a 2011 movie Miley Naa Miley Hum.

Just image building?

Telangana CM Revanth Reddy’s whirlwind trip to New Delhi which was promoted as a trip to protect Telangana interests, is being dubbed by critics as just image building.

The CM during his tour met four Union Ministers, raised pending issues of National Highways, Health, Housing and Urban Development. But critics point out that there should be focus on local issues as well.
