Brands can tap rural marketing potential only through long-term commitment, a comprehensive plan and sustained efforts. This idea forms the basis of the book – Don’t Flirt with Rural Marketing , written by veteran adman and rural marketing expert RV. Rajan.

Launching the book in Chennai on Friday, N. Murali, Co-Chairman of The Hindu Group of publications said it has been written in a lucid, meticulous manner, with a structured approach.

At the launch function organised by the Advertising Club Madras, he said, “This work is a practical wealth of knowledge on rural marketing.”

Srinivasan K. Swamy, Chairman and Managing Director of R.K. Swamy BBDO group of companies said the book contains a 14-step approach to rural marketing, packed with valuable insights of the author who has over four decades’ experience helping clients in conceiving and executing their rural marketing strategies. “Rajan’s handbook of rural marketing, is a must-read for all admen and marketers,” he said . He received the first copy of the book published by Productivity & Quality Publishing, Chennai.

Rajan said that commitment from the top management is the key to success of any rural marketing initiative. Today, consumption in rural markets accounts for more than 40-45 per cent of any FMCG company’s top line.

Choosing the right product, understanding the customers’ mindset, ensuring availability and distribution, getting a dedicated task force and appointing a rural specialist agency are some of the key ingredients for successful rural marketing, he said.