As human beings, we all form our opinions based on our own experiences, as well as what we hear, read, and observe. The rise of social media has expanded our access to a diverse range of topics, allowing us to analyse, reflect, and form opinions more freely. These platforms have become essential spaces for expressing our views, contributing to a world enriched by multiple perspectives but also made chaotic by conflicting narratives.

While social media liberates us to express our opinions, it can also become a battleground where dissenting voices are attacked if they do not align with the majority viewpoint. The discourse on these platforms often seems to exist only in extremes — black or white, with little room for the nuanced, “grey” perspectives that lie in between.

For example, supporting a politician or an ideology on social media often means being expected to endorse everything they do, without exception. Once you express support, the expectation is to remain unwavering, no matter what actions or behaviours that politician or ideology might exhibit. Because many social media users are accustomed to seeing only stark, polarised opinions, those who express more balanced, nuanced, or “grey” viewpoints often face backlash or mass criticism.

This environment, where opinions are either embraced or attacked, has silenced many individuals from voicing their true thoughts. Although social media has given us new opportunities to speak out, it can also push people into silence, especially if their views differ from the majority. Those who don’t conform to popular opinion risk becoming targets of cyberbullying.

Our world should be a space open to a variety of thoughts and ideas, including those that exist in the grey areas. We need to promote and embrace nuanced opinions, recognising that issues are rarely just black or white.