In an email-interview with BusinessLine, Sachin Tendulkar talked about his new innings as a ‘giver’ and his future plans as an MP. Excerpts:

What’s your next project as MP?

I have adopted Donja in Osmanabad, Maharashtra, after the successful completion of the first phase of development in Puttamraju Kandriga while the second phase of works have begun in the other two habitations at the Nernuru panchayat. The projects at Donja include a new school, water supply scheme, concrete roads and sewage lines.

The villagers have welcomed the message of Swachh Bharat and they have promised to build and use toilets. I hope this transformation of both Puttamraju Kandriga and Donja motivates other villages to follow this model of development as I am confident the people will embrace the changes being made to their lives.

What more do you plan to do for Puttamraju ?

We have already deployed one of our brand partners at Puttamraju to enable anyone who wishes to be trained on computers to provide free computer coaching and we also have started classes to impart training in stitching and sewing. The other livelihood initiative is vermi-compost, which I believe is taking shape slowly.

Along with the district administration we have ensured two job fairs were conducted in our village which was otherwise scheduled at Gudur. This way we are trying to change the role of a village and its infrastructure into a hub of activity for the nearby region.

The Nellore district administration has done a commendable job to constantly find avenues of work for the villagers but is facing hurdles due to certain prevailing mindsets, characteristic of many villages in India. We will continue trying as long as we possibly can even beyond my tenure.

We will certainly find some way to assist in my personal capacity as and when possible for the village after my term but I sincerely hope after all our collective effort, this is a village that does not need any help and will become a shining example for the rest of the country in self-reliance and self-sustainability.

My vision for the two villages that is that they witness an overall development and not just a physical transformation.

The people living in these villages are the custodians of facilities developed and they understand that well.

I continue to closely monitor the progress of the village transformation with my team and provide my inputs to the Nellore collector’s office.

What gives you more satisfaction, your cricketing career or missions such as these?

I have received unconditional love and support from people across the country during the 24 years on the cricket field.

My second innings is about giving back, and am trying my best to do that in whatever small way possible. It is an opportunity to touch people’s lives and make a difference in many different ways.

It has also been a phase of learning for me as I come to understand the different aspects of life beyond the cricket field. I am thoroughly enjoying this phase of my life equally to my playing career and I cannot choose one over the other, each has its place in my life and has taught me very different things about our great country and its people.