These television sets are getting more all-encompassing by the day. Samsung has introduced its Joy Plus range of TVs with two rather interesting TV commercials (TVCs) created by Cheil. Basically, the Joy Plus TV allows you to record any music you want ‘off the screen” or download a picture you like. These unique benefits are illustrated in the ads.

There’s one where a dancer is moving to the beats of an orchestra and as the viewer plugs in a device to record the sound, the scene on the film seems to have lost its audio. The dancer is seen wondering aloud where the music went while the viewer and his little daughter are seen grooving to it.

In the other film, the benefit of being able to grab the visual element off the TV screen is shown very neatly. There’s this cheetah in hot pursuit of a zebra on the screen while the little girl viewing the action decides she likes the shot of the zebra in full flight. She grabs the visual off the screen and to illustrate the point the zebra seems to vanish and the cheetah is shown looking bewildered as it wonders what happened to its prey. Rather well made, I must say.

Sexy does it

Visualising publicity for a condom brand? You’ll instantly think of a sexy production. And considering the nature of the product, you could hardly be blamed for having a one-track mind. Right from the steamy Kamasutra ads of the Nineties to the digital offering from Durex today, condom advertising has necessarily felt the need to pump up your mood and raise your blood pressure.

Durex has launched a music video online titled Do the Rex which is a nice, raunchy, hip-thrusting, lip-locking, blood-pumping dance featuring Ranveer Singh, the hunk of the season.

The choreography is deliberately predictable, the music is passable, the effects are good and the total package delivers what it is supposed to. Pity it won’t make the television screens. And if it did it would be so watered down it wouldn’t be worth it. Go online. Watch it.

Devilish delight

Have you ever seen a chocolate bar coated with nougat and liberally encrusted with peanuts? And has the sheer thought of getting your chops into it driven you to an almost insane, savage yes, almost devilish mood? Honestly, at the risk of a slight exaggeration (people who know me will pardon me), I have actually felt like that. Okay, maybe not for a chocolate, but I can relate to that extreme emotion. And Cadbury is presenting its 5 Star Chomp bar which could inspire precisely such extreme emotions. Or as they would like to call it, “eat experience”.

To make sure you get the rather graphic imagery right, O&M has come up with this TVC where a ghost glides through the doors of an elevator and evokes just a passing curiosity from the sole male in the dark elevator. The ghost weeps piteously that he is unable to scare anyone and the good Samaritan offers this yummy chocolate to help dry its invisible tears.

Then, you see the transformation as the ghost begins ferociously chomping on, well, “Chomp” till the poor man faints with fear. Moral of the story: Don’t offer your Chomp to a ghost in a darkened elevator. Fairly simple. You’ll never lose your Chomp. Others beware!

(Ramesh Narayan is a communications consultant. Send your comments to )