Poll time bl-premium-article-image

RAMESH NARAYAN Updated - March 13, 2014 at 09:14 PM.


Addendum is a weekly column that takes a sometimes hard, sometimes casual, sometimes irreverent, yet never malicious look at some of the new or recent advertisements and comments on them.

It’s election time. Just before the model code of conduct kicked in, the State and Central Government buried the media with unimaginative advertisements typified by being big in size and tall in claims. Honestly, I doubt even a few people actually read those advertisements which are packed with matter. Even fewer would believe them. There should be some way to regulate this waste of public money.

Anyway, the Great Indian Election is on us now and there should be a flurry of party-led campaigns which will be more focused and imaginative. Funny how the same people come out with dud advertising when they spend public money and great work when they spend their own party funds! We shall track these campaigns, and the other election-related topical ones as well.

Well crafted

Is there anything more important to us than our general elections? I cannot seem to think of any such thing. And Tata Tea is right up there again, with its Jaago Re campaign, once more with feeling. This time the situation is a women’s beauty parlour where one elegant lady tells the parlour maid (the manicurist) that she always carries pepper spray in her hand bag to take care of her personal security. Sundry other worthies all being attended on remark that this is an important thing these days and wonder aloud what the not-so-affluent do to ensure their own security.

At this point the manicurist says she applies a black dot to take care of herself. The remark is met with derisive comments all around as the elegant ones assume it is the black dot superstitious people wear to guard against the “evil eye”. When the girl says that in fact even educated ladies should seek to get the black dot, elegant eyebrows are raised until she displays the black dot on her index finger – a sign that she has voted. She triumphantly proclaims that one should cast their vote for leaders who will ensure their safety. The look on the faces of the elegant ladies is worth a million words.

Tight editing, very good casting and a great script take this good idea to impressive heights. And I love the way the young protagonist waves her index finger and orders tea for everyone. My vote is for the Tata Tea ad. And I sincerely hope the 49 per cent women population take that little walk to the polling booth this time around.

The detail's in the devil

Talking about beauty parlours, there’s this insurance agent relaxing in one, on a Sunday, when she gets a call from her client. Yes this is the new series of ads from Max Life Insurance and it has brought the devil back. In fact, what’s better than one devil in the O&M series for Max Life? Two. Yes, the female devil (is there a word for one) is as good, or even better than the male devil.

No, I’m far from sexist but the female devil has some pizzazz that is unique. So you have the familiar theme of the devils trying to make the insurance agents say all the wrong things, or what many agents might try to say in any case, and you have the honest Max Life Insurance agents sticking to the straight and narrow path and in fact going that extra mile to really ensure the client never had it so good.

The three TVCs are all very watchable. The devils add that little extra bit to the narrative and visual effects and the agents have been chosen for their honest faces. Though after the last series one would expect the current one to be predictable, it retains its very human touch and that’s what makes it good. Keano and the team, take a bow!

Published on March 13, 2014 15:43