DBS Bank India and CRISIL have partnered to understand the financial behaviour of the urban Indian working woman. The survey has been conducted on 800 working women split equally between self-employed and salaried. Typically factors such as income, marital status and geographic location influence financial behaviour of women in India. Here are the charts depicting financial preferences of Indian women.

There has been an increase in financial independence with age of working women in India

While 42 per cent of salaried respondents are able to save around 30-49 per cent of their income, 38 per cent of self-employed women respondents are able to do the same

Working women prefer safer investment products such as FD and savings account over other options such as gold, mutual fund, real estate and stocks

While the cash usage by women in cities such as Kolkata and Ahmedabad is higher, the same is lower for cities such as Coimbatore and Delhi