Motu was trying to make sense of the Summit of the Century when Chotu barged into the room carrying a casserole.

Kya hua Motabhai, you’re looking very confused?

I’m trying to understand the happenings at Singapore where our Donald dude met up with Kimji, Chotu.

Ah, that reminds me, here’s some kimchi for you.

Forget kimchi Chotu, tell me about Kimji and why everyone is saying that he got the better of our dude. Do you think he won?

That’s how it seems at this point though a lot depends on what happens from now on.

Don’t be so cryptic Chotu...

Motu, two generations of North Korean dictators have unsuccessfully tried to set up a summit meet with an American President. That he could sit next to Donald dude as an equal, shake hands with him, pat his back and pose for cameras is Kimji’s first victory. Just imagine how he’ll use the images back home to project himself.

Haan, Chotu, I know about Kimji’s father Kimji Sr. and his grandfather Kimji Super Sr.... pass me that casserole now.

Get your names right, Motabhai. Kimji’s father was Kim Jong-Il and his grandfather was Kim Il-Sung and they’ve ruled North Korea like their family property since 1948.

This is too spicy, Chotu.

The Kimjis?

No, I meant the kimchi. You continue...

Donald dude’s advisors were shooting for a comprehensive denuclearisation document... what they call as Complete, Verifiable, Irreversible Dismantlement of North Korea’s nukes. But what they got in the final agreement was just a “firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.” Terminology is all-important in international agreements and this is as vague as it can possibly get.

But Chotu, isn’t a commitment from Kimji to denuclearlise enough?

No Motu, problem is that there have been similar promises made by Kimji’s ancestors to their American counterparts which were not honoured.


Haan, not just that. The biggest win for Kimji is Donald dude’s decision to stop joint military exercises that the US holds with South Korea. This has been a major irritant to North Korea.

Awesome kimchi, Chotu, thanks.

Haan , awesome Kimji too....he even secured a security guarantee from Donald dude which effectively means that he will not be hunted down and killed like Saddam sahab or Gaddafi bhai .

But honestly, Chotu, why do you think Donald dude was so generous with Kimji?

It’s all about the nukes bro. Kimji has enough nukes and rockets that can reach up to the west coast of America.

You mean Los Angeles and San Francisco?

Yes, indeed. And Kimji has shown that he can be ruthless and reckless.

Now I know why the poor Iranians couldn’t get the same treatment from Donald dude as Kim. They have not demonstrated their nuke capability yet.

You’re spot on. Looks like the kimchi has made you intelligent, Motabhai.

I better run now, Chotu. I need to find a shop that will sell a gun. Need to get that fellow, Gabbar, who bullies me often, to the negotiating table.