The introduction of the National Research Foundation (NRF) Bill in the upcoming Monsoon Session of Parliament is indeed a significant game-changer for India. This legislation has the potential to dramatically alter the contours of our knowledge economy. The overarching aim of the NRF is to augment the quality of research in India by instating a comprehensive, systematic framework to govern the currently disjointed research environment. NRF would help in nurturing an ecosystem that cultivates scientific temperament, encourages innovation, and promotes intellectual curiosity.

However, as the experience of other countries such as the US, Germany and South Korea shows, setting up an institution like NRF, while essential, is not sufficient in itself. To truly transform India into an innovation-driven country, the following objectives must be at the forefront of our strategic approach:

NRF’s allocation of ₹50,000 crore for R&D over five years (2023-28) may seem colossal by Indian standards, but contextually, India’s R&D expenditure is a paltry 0.8 per cent of GDP, dwarfed by nations like Israel (5.44 per cent), the US (3.4 per cent), and China (2.4 per cent) — with China’s 2022 R&D spend surpassing $439 billion compared with India’s roughly $65 billion. India needs to magnetise private sector R&D investment, achievable by solidifying our IPR regime and Patent Office.

Currently, research is conducted in silos, within a few select institutions, which often results in an isolated, constrained knowledge environment. The flow of ideas and cross-pollination of concepts are severely hindered. This isolation can lead to duplication in efforts, inefficiency, and a slow pace of innovation, which are counterproductive to a progressive R&D strategy.

Contrarily, an inclusive research ecosystem fosters diversity of thought, a broader perspective, and greater innovation. It encourages collaboration, amalgamation of distinct viewpoints, and the cross-fertilisation of ideas that can catalyse breakthroughs in science and technology. Hence, NRF’s mission must not be limited to cultivating mere pockets of excellence, but to generate an expansive, interconnected ecosystem that fosters powerful alliances between academic institutions and between higher education institutes and industry.

The competitive landscape within academia serves as a powerful catalyst for research and innovation. It propels institutions to sharpen their research abilities, attract leading researchers, secure vital project funding, and deliver exceptional outputs. Such rivalry cultivates an ecosystem that champions innovation and propels institutions to continuously strive for the cutting edge of knowledge.

Furthermore, this competition stimulates collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. To keep a competitive edge, organisations often build strategic alliances with diverse entities, including industries and research institutes. These partnerships trigger the sharing of ideas, resources, and expert knowledge, igniting fresh insights and innovative breakthroughs. Importantly, this competition generates positive ripple effects in local economies. Especially in remote regions, research-driven universities become crucial economic anchors, fuelling innovation. NRF should promote this.

Both the US and China have effectively propelled innovation, owing largely to their capacity to attract global talent for research and development. A significant strategy in China is the Thousand Talents Plan (TTP), an initiative established by the Chinese government to recruit foreign expertise, predominantly in science and technology. Inaugurated in 2008, the TTP has compellingly attracted thousands of researchers worldwide, including professionals from the US and the EU. The programme has also facilitated the return of top foreign scientists to China, leading to the introduction of global leading technologies and the establishment of cross-border companies. Additionally, the programme has been part of China’s efforts to transition from a manufacturing-based economy to an innovation-based one. NRF should create a framework to attract both foreign nationals as well as Indians to carry out research in India.

It is imperative to address the core issue at hand, the bureaucratic impediments that often hinder R&D. While the NRF does make significant strides in resolving the funding gap, the crux of the research problem often commences with the paperwork and bureaucratic procedures that precede the actual research. From the usage of zero-balance accounts to the procurement of lab equipment, researchers are often mired in administrative procedures that detract from their primary purpose of producing innovative research.

One proposition is the formation of an ‘Ease of Doing Research Index’ by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser. Such an index, premised on an exhaustive operation management study, can identify the key hurdles impeding researchers from executing high-quality research. Nevertheless, it’s imperative to ensure that this index does not succumb to the same fate as numerous other indices that simply serve as hierarchical rankings. This ought to be a genuine scholarly endeavour. This index would serve as a reference for policymakers and even NRF to enact effective measures to reduce these obstacles and thus foster a more conducive environment for research activities.

A CAG report from December 2022 underlines the alarming shortfall in publications in high-impact journals, casting a question mark over the quality of our projects. Meanwhile, China, once known for volume over value, now outpaces the US in most-cited papers, signalling a significant rise in research quality. Hence NRF should not just be about research. It’s about the quality of research, impactful publications, and transformative patents. That’s where real progress lies.

The writer is Additional Private Secretary (Policy & Research), Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister. Views are personal