Reliance Industries has been slapped a $1.55 billion compensation notice by the Centre for using gas from ONGC’s adjacent fields off the Andhra Pradesh coast.

There is, however, an ironic background to this development.

This figure is remarkably similar to that estimated by Cairn India a decade ago to develop the ONGC block, in which it was a stakeholder. At that point, ONGC was unwilling to shell out this order of money.

Oddly enough, when Cairn exited the block towards the end of 2012-13, it alleged that ONGC was overestimating the cost of monetising the field.

It is being said in corridors of power: “Wonder if it is just a coincidence, or some interesting calculation — the notice to RIL-BP-Niko is for $1.55 billion.” How the ONGC block is now monetised remains to be seen.


Nothing about Salman Khan goes unnoticed. So how could this tweet?

“Hope you win. May God give you the strength to follow the constitution and human values. All the best. #HillaryClintonforpresident”, Khan tweeted on Saturday. Hillary Clinton is gearing up for a bitter election battle with Donald Trump on November 8.

Well, from flying kites with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was then Gujarat chief minister, to endorsing Hillary Clinton on Twitter, Khan seems to be making his preferences clear.

Friends not foes

Contrary to perceptions of heated arguments taking place, the Goods and Services Tax Council meetings are rather peaceful events with each State getting ample time to put forward their views.

While Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has repeatedly said that all decisions are being taken through consensus, the Centre and States also show much camaraderie outside the meetings.

As one State finance minister remarked, “We are all friends but party positions have to be followed!”

No Chinese bulbs

Every Diwali, even as Delhi struggles to breathe, there are some things that still leave you awestruck — Rashtrapati Bhawan is one such amazing sight. This year, however, the President’s residence remained dismayingly and dismally dark.

Word on the street is that insufficient India-made LEDS and bulbs put a dampener on the celebrations on Raisina Hill. It was whispered that this was a result of the Government's attempts to ‘ban’ Chinese goods.

The market is flooded with Chinese bulbs, fairy lights and even diyas, making the search for Indian lights really arduous.

Hopefully, there will be light next year.

Dude, where’s my Kohinoor?

It seems the Government’s once-unyielding resolve to bring back the famed Kohinoor diamond has finally fizzled out.

As Britain’s new prime minister, Theresa May, comes calling to India on a three-day visit, the Government does not appear to particularly enthusiastic about asking for its return. The Kohinoor diamond had been taken away by the British during the colonial era.

During a recent media conference, when the spokesperson of the ministry of external affairs was asked whether the Government plans to demand its return during May’s visit, the response was lukewarm and tactful.

While the spokesperson said it would be inappropriate for him to presume what Narendra Modi and May would discuss, there was hardly any vehemence in his tone.

This was the same government that seemed to be ready to fight tooth-and-nail just a few months back when the ministry of culture had stated that it would make every possible effort to bring the legendary 105.6 carat diamond back.

Tempers have cooled as tactics come into play.