Stock market volatility

This refers to ‘Limits to protection’ (March 8). The move of the Supreme Court in terms of forming an expert committee to go into the bottom of stock market volatility in the aftermath of Hindenburg assault is welcome.

Except Hindenburg’s allegations of routing of funds through overseas shell companies, other claims of the research group like indulging in accounting fraud and stock manipulation were not based on any investigation or backed by documentary evidence.

Though the valuation of a stock predominantly hinges upon fundamental/transactional analysis, invariably investors’ decisions are irrational based on gut feeling.

Since Hindenburg was traditionally into profiting from ‘shorting’ of scripts, what if it was proved that the Hindenburg had mala fide intention and had indulged in selective misinformation?

Srinivasan Velamur


Hindu rate of growth

This refers to ‘SBI Ecowrap debunks Rajan’s remarks on Hindu rate of growth’(March 8).

Successive governments during the last two decades have implemented radical economic reforms and, as an outcome, the economy recorded a rate above the Hindu growth rate. Given the visible advancement achieved by the country in almost all walks of life, the observation of SBI Ecowrap is apt.

However, the persisting geopolitical uncertainty, the high possibility of a recession in many countries across the globe, the elevated interest rates, and the chances of further rate hikes may adversely affect the growth rates as envisaged by the government.

It is crucial to enhance private sector investment and bring down the policy rates, and the government must expand its capex to increase job opportunities.

VSK Pillai

Changanacherry, Kerala

Mentors needed

This refers to ‘Banks must employ more women’ (March 8). Another question is: ‘Are women reluctant to take up banking jobs?’ Baring rural posting it seems unlikely because many banking jobs are desk, indoor jobs and offer most number of holidays annually. Women have the requisite patience, listening skills and temperament.

One reason why they do not rise to the top level may be due their lack of required professional qualifications. This can be overcome by a HR policy which would allow high performing women employees with long tenure to compete.

YG Chouksey


Doubling farm income

The dreams of doubling farm incomes by 2022 have evaporated and the farming sector is no better than what it was when this grandiose announcement was made. All stakeholders, including the Centre, States and farmer organisations, must sink their differences an collaborate in charting the best way forward.

Simply adopting practices from other nations is not going to work. Over-exploitation of natural resources must be avoided. Sustainability is the key to long-term production.

Anthony Henriques


UPI transactions

Since UPI is a payment method used mostly by the common people now, any plan to charge such transaction would compel the general public to revert back to cash transactions.

The Finance Ministry must drop the plan to charge once and for all.

Rajiv Magal

Halekere Village, Karnataka