People should give the AAP party time to deliver (‘New agenda for a new year’, Business Line, January 1). Arvind Kejriwal faces big challenges. He has to mobilise resources and more capable and honest people if he has to take the movement national. If AAP forms government at the Centre, India would be on the path to freedom from poverty, caste divides and inequalities.



AAP is change

The AAP has changed the image of the politician. For 60 years, paunch-sporting, thug-turned- netas ruled the country. Yes, they continue to rule us.

But it is a fact that AAP or not, the end of their tyranny is over due. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Kejriwal bit the bullet and galvanised the popular anger with stunning results. His best is yet to come.



Tax in the past

‘A humane touch to tax’ ( Business Line, January 1) talks about introducing a personal allowance for those with dependents. In fact, around five decades ago, different slabs were applicable to married persons, married with one child, two children, and so on. These were done away with considering the many issues involved.

K. Mudanand


Going places

It is comforting to see brands like Amul taking globalisation in their stride and spreading their wings. Wherever Amul goes, the brand carries with it the spirit of India's cooperative movement. This is evident in the proposal to source milk from cooperative dairies in the US. India needs a thousand Amuls to make the the rural population’s aspiration for a decent living a reality.

M. G. Warrier
