In light of the rape of a woman by a cab driver in New Delhi, ahead of the second anniversary of the December 16, 2012 incident, it seems that even 67 years after Independence, women in India still cannot move about freely without fear of being assaulted. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The day a woman can walk freely on the roads at night, that day we can say that India has achieved independence.”

It is an irony that in India, which gave the world the message of peace and non-violence, women are repeatedly victims of violence — domestic as well as public, physical as well as emotional. While the victim is psychologically traumatised, the perpetrator exploits loopholes in the law and the victim is made to run from pillar to post to get justice, which is often delayed.In order to check the rising crime graph against women, it is imperative to have stricter punishments to deter perpetrators and speedy justice for victims.

TS Karthik


It has been proved time and again that there is no safety for females, from a few months old baby to elderly women. Unless the mindset of men is changed, no laws can protect women from being .

This is easier said that done. Hence self-defence is the only solution. The government as well as women’s organisations should think seriously on how best a woman can defend herself and provide the necessary equipment for this.


Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh

Objective analysis

This refers to the article, ‘Bravehearts or habitual male haters?’ by Rasheeda Bhagat (December 9). It is an objective discussion of a very relevant issue — the problem of gender bias and crimes against women. The issue though very important and deserving top priority in rendering relief is not without misuse as described in the article and deserves careful study. Otherwise, even genuine cases are likely to lose the sympathy they deserve. Compliments to the writer for presenting all the facts.

TR Anandan


There are “male bashers” in many families, but meek men do not speak up openly as they think it is below their dignity. The media and the general public always finds fault with men only and conclusions are made without making detailed inquiries. A man’s dignity and honour is as important as a woman’s.

N Krishnan


Hardly scientific

The article, ‘Reward efficiency in fertiliser production’ by R Mukundan (December 9) makes a valid point about government adequately rewarding fertiliser producing units making production efficient and eco-friendly. Globally, the fertiliser production process is highly energy intensive, and a huge amount of money from India’s exchequer is spent on it. The point about rewarding producers who strictly adhere to the norms of clean production is well taken. But, it is important to remember that producing fertilisers efficiently is one aspect of crop production.

The more important aspect is how efficiently the fertiliser is used in the soil to maximise crop productivity, as more than 50 per cent of the crop production potential is nutrient is dependent. It is here that almost all fertiliser manufacturing units in India show utter scientific inadequacy. I have observed that advice dished out to farmers is almost always rooted in routine soil analysis, based on outdated textbook knowledge. Recent advances like the nutrient buffer power concept which helps precisely formulate fertiliser requirements through accurate scientific understanding of soil-plant root interaction dynamics is still unknown to most manufacturers, including the International Fertiliser Industry Association in Paris.

It is crucial to remember that in tropical soils such as India’s, not more than 35 per cent of the nitrogen applied as urea is utilised by the plant. Hence, calibration of precise quantities is very important. Selling fertiliser is one aspect, but making it work better in soil is more important. If the so-called ‘green revolution’ has failed in India, it is due to unbridled use of chemical fertilisers.

KP Prabhakaran Nair


The debate continues

The heftiest salary earning nationalised bank employees were on strike in the recent past all across the nation. They also get hefty bonuses and a number of other financial benefits and yet they want more salary, less working hours, in addition to a five-day week. On the other hand, our brave jawans protect us all from natural calamities as well as cross border terrorism; they work round the clock. They rarely enjoy family life and in case of emergencies, their leave is cancelled suddenly. Will bank employees ever realise their duty towards the nation?

Hansraj Bhat


Do your homework

This refers to ‘Parliament impasse comes to an end’ (December 9). A determined and united Opposition parties strained its nerves to get the government to drop Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti or censure her but failed on both counts. The equally determined government stood itsground, showing that it is the clear winner in the unseemly controversy. As a result, one precious week of Parliament time was wasted. The Congress and other opposition parties need to spend more time finding loopholes, omissions and commissions to take on the government head on. Those at the helm of affairs must be circumspect and use proper language in public.

HP Murali


Shocking delay

This is with reference to ‘Justice after 40 years’ (December 9). This is one of the main reasons the crime graph is rising every day. A former Rail Minister was assassinated and the accused were held guilty after 40 years. When this is the situation in the case of a powerful minister, imagine the plight of an aam aadmi . No wonder crimes against women are on the rise even after the Nirbhaya episode.

MA Khan


Backfiring moves

India’s pursuit of black money allegedly stashed abroad received another jolt with the Swiss authorities refusing to entertain any “fishing expedition” and curtly telling the Indian authorities to do their own independent investigations before approaching them. Besides, the Swiss authorities have also refused to cooperate on the basis of stolen lists of account-holders saying that it would need independent probes by Indian agencies and at least prima facie proof of tax frauds. The new development makes a mockery of the tall promises made by the BJP that it will bring in black money within 100 days of assuming power.

NJ Ravi Chander


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