Nuclear energy bl-premium-article-image

Updated - October 30, 2011 at 09:23 PM.

Senior nuclear scientists have been repeatedly reassuring the people about the safety conditions at the Koodankulam nuclear power plant.

They have clarified several technical issues in simple language to make the common man understand certain complex concepts.

But those protesting against the Koodankulam plant seem to be unrelenting and do not seem to be want to understand the message of the scientists.

The agitators seem to forget that the scientists and technologists are as much interested in the safety and welfare of the country as the agitators are.

The essential point is that the agitators are refusing to repose faith in the assurances of the nuclear scientists, who are not foreigners with any vested interests. This is an unfortunate situation.

While the senior Indian nuclear scientists are hailed internationally by the scientific community, they are despised by some of their own countrymen who call themselves activists and agitators.

N. S.Venkataraman


Anna's team

With reference to “Anna must replace his team forthwith” ( Business Line , October 28), we should understand Anna Hazare not only as an individual, rather as a phenomenon.

Despite certain aberrations in the behaviour of his team-members, one should not conclude that his credibility and the trust earned from society would be jeopardised.

Today, India is looking to him for his perseverance, based on Gandhian philosophy.

No one is perfect; and there are many forces that will try to make his campaign a failure for their ulterior motives. All progressive and democratic people should rally behind Anna in the effort to change society.

Corruption has become a cancer; it should be eradicated ruthlessly.

Baldeo Pandey

Published on October 30, 2011 15:53