Nothing can be more convincing than words coming from the heart. Millions who listened to Sachin’s farewell speech were touched by his feelings. It was simple and full of life.

All that the master sportsman had in his hand was the list of people he wanted to thank! It was not structured in a corporate style and was informal. There were no long sentences, but the pauses and deep breaths conveyed the hidden feelings of the maestro.

His speech reflected his commitment to the game, the role played by his parents, friends and the coach who would take him on his scooter all over Mumbai. The tribute he paid to his father by saying every time he raised his bat “it was for him” was touching. He expressed his love openly for his wife by saying she was the best thing that happened to him and it was with her he had the best partnership, even as his team-mates chuckled. He assured his children of his support. He paid glowing tributes to his team-mates and all those who mattered in his life, including the photographers and the media which was unforgivable at times. Sachin’s farewell speech was perhaps one of the finest speeches ever by a sportsperson. It brought out the Indian values he cherished. His legacy will live on and his speech will continue to inspire generations.

Gopal Sutar


CBI’s role

With reference to “Has the CBI gone beyond its mandate? ( Business Line , November 16). the CBI must be an independent body and if any mistake is made or wrong decisions are taken, the agency must be pulled up by the judiciary and NGOs who are on the guard always. The decisions taken by the CBI are certainly not in the public interest. This is the reason why even the judiciary has asked for some cases to be monitored directly. Our politicians have lost credibility.

B. S. Ganesh
