Donald Trump’s rethinking on global warming is a matter of gratification. Both India and China have earned the tag of being the highest polluters of the world, especially in the context of year 2016 being declared the warmest year universally. It is in the fitness of things all nations should take concerted action and conform to Paris convention talks.

As years pass by the phenomenon of climate change will get exacerbated. Hence, this is an ideal climate for US/China to jointly introspect and evolve a solution to mitigate the global warming.

RK Sridharan


Why single out Trump on his scepticism to climate change? Most leading Republicans have long seen Obama’s environmental policies as an overreach of federal power and a danger to the economy. The Republicans have remained both conservative and capitalistic.

The inclusiveness of the US brought talented immigrants to its shores, making it rich and powerful. The likes of Trump, in their hubris would be loathe to admit this. Trump can be expected to try to roll back some of the climate regulations.

R Narayanan


Hitting common man

The aftermath of demonetisation has brought untold misery to the aam admi . A little forethought on the part of the RBI/Finance Ministry would have neutralised the hardship experienced by the common man.

The Government knew pretty well that the 1,000 and 500 notes accounted for 6,326 and 15,707 million pieces respectively and the currency printing press would not be able able to supply replacement currencies in a months time, judging by the annual supplies made by them in 500 and 100 denominations last year.

This is where the think tank of the Finance Ministry and RBI failed. Today, they face flak from a wide spectrum of society.

Manickam Ravindran


Wrong numbers

Mukul Rohatgi, the Attorney General of India, has informed the Apex Court that it is 70 years of slush money coming out. He chose to associate the spike in bank accounts to secretly stashed money used for illegal purposes such as bribery.

The Attorney General has also informed the Apex Court that ₹6 lakh crore have been collected so far and the Government is expecting ₹10 lakh crore. It is surprising that Attorney General could escape from incurring wrath of the apex court even after making such misleading statements. It is a known fact that earlier in 1978 following demonetisation 86 per cent of demonetised notes had returned to the banking system and the value of such notes that did not return to the RBI was hardly about ₹21 crore. Thus if the value of notes that did not return to the banking system following demonetisation that took place in 1978 was only ₹21 crore, how can the Attorney General say that it is 70 years of slush money?

Sangeeta Bhaskar


What’s App?

A fortnight after demonetisation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is asking Indians to share their thoughts on the move through an App actuated service; which means seeking a response from a select audience, even if in absolute terms the numbers appear considerable. To put it bluntly: how many of the several thousands who continue to brave queues at banks/ATMs are linked with the NM App?

KS Jayatheertha


Disrupting the august Houses has become a convenient tool to beat the government of the day (‘Lok Sabha disrupted for fifth consecutive day’, November 24). What the country and its multitude expect from the respected elected members is to find a solution to the myriad problems besetting the nation by engaging in wholesome discussion.

There is no dearth of elected MPs both in Ruling and Opposition parties who can contribute to the situation, but due to pandemonium they are not being heard.

HP Murali
